Assassination Witness

Assassination Witness (9/11) Paul Smith

Paul Smith, age 60, was killed by a taxi driven up the sidewalk in October of 2007. Paul flew Chopper7, which recorded much of the top footage used covering the 9/11 false-flag. 

Paul Smith, age 60, was killed by a taxi driven up the sidewalk in October of 2007. Paul flew Chopper7, which recorded much of the top footage used covering the 9/11 false-flag.

9/11: An Infinite Dream

“9/11: An Infinite Dream” originally released summer of 2017. Mindfield Film FestivalBest Documentary Runner-Up (Platinum Award) .. LA Cinefest DocumentariesSemi-Finalist .. HD download :
I’ve addressed this more in depth on one of my first podcasts.. This was filmed and aired about 8 months after the release of “9/11: An Infinite Dream”, which on its own was a relative dud, having only a few thousand views. This interview got 200k-300k views in the first week, then absolutely flatlined as a victim of ‘shadow banning’. Still, it served a purpose and garnered my first film a good viewer base. It had nearly a million watches on various re-uploads across the net, until finally a record label blocked the soundtrack from being used on YouTube altogether, rendering it unplayable. The main intent was to break through to a regular audience using Andrew’s platform, get more eyeballs on the movie, and on a moderate scale it was successful. Thanks extended to Andrew Hales and the people helping make it possible.

LAHWF Interview (2018)

Chatting with a 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist

9/11: An Infinite Dream:…

I’ve addressed this more in depth on one of my first podcasts.. This was filmed and aired about 8 months after the release of “9/11: An Infinite Dream”, which on its own was a relative dud, having only a few thousand views. This interview got 200k-300k views in the first week, then absolutely flatlined as a victim of ‘shadow banning’. Still, it served a purpose and garnered my first film a good viewer base. It had nearly a million watches on various re-uploads across the net, until finally a record label blocked the soundtrack from being used on YouTube altogether, rendering it unplayable. The main intent was to break through to a regular audience using Andrew’s platform, get more eyeballs on the movie, and on a moderate scale it was successful. Thanks extended to Andrew Hales and the people helping make it possible.
^This type of attitude made it worth the effort. However, I’ve often pondered if I’ve made people’s lives better or worse on a personal level by waking them to dark realities of society. I know some people prefer the dream.


Web design is a tedious process, so here’s just a post of the Dream Eskimo logo. The site wouldn’t be the same without EskimoKing. I’ve posted a wide eclectic of material on this website, should be below. Obviously there’s more stuff on Odysee, Bitchute, Instagram, and my ancient YT “Mars Eskimo”, etc. but I think I’ve yanked most of my favorites onto here.